
As a human being, when you think of something that is “like you,” what do you imagine? In 2000, Dr. Michael Hathaway, professor of anthropology at Simon Fraser University, found himself living with el
Very few, if any, of us foresaw this past year shaping up to be the year that it was. Who could have predicted closed travel borders? Or shuttered schools and shopping malls? Or that a bottle of hand
For more than 20 years, Canada’s hemp farmers have been seeding and harvesting a crop that has grown to become, by some reports, the second largest of its kind in the world. Canadian hemp production i
Shakespeare suggested that roses would smell sweet no matter what they were called. The idea, of course, is that the name of a thing doesn’t change its essence. When it comes to the word “self-care,”
Wellness is a growing phenomenon that pushes people to make choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. With more people practising wellness, consideration must be given to the ways in which privile
Since its founding in 2016, Charlie’s Acres—a farm animal sanctuary in Sonoma, CA—has been a place where visitors can make personal connections with animals who’ve been rescued from traumatic circumst
Let\'s be real here; 2020 wasn\'t an easy year. We\'ve been reminded of just how important it us to take care of ourselves and our loved ones, and to put an even bigger focus on our health than ever befo
What fears and worries keep you up at night? For my toddler, it’s very specific: big monkeys. For my mother, it’s retirement. Mental health experts say each generation—from kids to seniors—have unique

You’re Super!

We now know that good nutrition is the fundamental building block for a healthy body. But to be clear from the start: the most super way to add body-benefitting foods to your diet is through items tha
Imagine being 90 (or 100) and having the sharp memory and cognitive skills of your younger self. It’s possible with a few lifestyle tweaks, some of which involve your taste buds. Yes, you can literall