
Who here has been going on a lot of walks in nature lately? With many businesses closed and physical distancing still encouraged, there isn’t much to do with your free time. But there is one thing you
It’s seems like an eternity since Canada reported its first COVID-19 case in January. Today, we’re slowly returning to a “new normal.” This season has been heartbreaking and stressful, especially for
Looking to spice up your springtime meals? Why not try adding a sprinkle of edible flowers to your recipe repertoire? While it may seem a bit “far out” to be eating flowers, you probably have already
Last week, we asked the team at alive how they\'ve been keeping up their beauty routines from home during the COVID-19 epidemic. Making sure our hair looks good is one thing, but what about simply stay
In a world that feels off its axis, how can we find a healthy balance of activities to get through the day? alive has asked a range of our favourite health experts questions on how we can thrive throu
During the COVID-19 pandemic, people around the world are feeling anxious and full of questions about staying healthy. While supporting your immune system is a top priority, mental health is just as i
We love our moms, and with Mother’s Day right around the corner, it’s time we celebrated them for everything they’ve done for us. But with the COVID-19 epidemic still encouraging physical distancing r
While physically distancing and staying home to limit the spread of COVID-19, keeping our pantries stocked with healthy food options and necessary household supplies has been a top priority. If your l
Unlike trendy diets you read about, intuitive eating is an approach to eating that involves a set of skills we’re born with. In fact, if you need a mentor for intuitive eating, watch a toddler navigat
Women! Are you feeling a little down about midlife? Good news: it happens to almost everyone, and if you can weather the storm, happiness increases as we age, according to Jonathan Rauch, author of Th