Make Hydration and Heat Safety Workout Musts


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Make Hydration and Heat Safety Workout Musts

Whether this season has your teen athlete in training mode or competing, it’s important to understand the importance of heat safety and staying hydrated. This is especially true when it’s hot and they’re working up a sweat – athletes are at greater risk for dehydration.

This year, athletes are more likely to be training without teammates or coaches around, so heat safety is an even greater priority than usual. It’s important to replace the fluids and electrolytes athletes lose in sweat with an option like Gatorade to help stay safe and maintain performance.

Consider these hydration and heat safety tips from professional athletes, a head coach and a head athletic trainer, and find more advice at or on the Beat the Heat playlist.

Hydration Equation
The hydration equation is an easy way JJ Watt, defensive end for the Houston Texans, measures how much fluid he needs to rehydrate following a tough outdoor workout. Weigh yourself before the workout then check how much weight you lose in sweat after the workout is complete. For each pound lost, drink about 20 ounces of fluid to fully rehydrate. View Watt’s video tip.

Hydration Indication
Another way to monitor your hydration level is by comparing your urine color to household beverages like lemonade and apple juice. George Kittle, tight end for the San Francisco 49ers, explains that if your urine is dark like apple juice, you probably need a hydrating beverage like Gatorade to replenish fluids and electrolytes. If your urine is lighter like lemonade, you’re in good shape, but remember to stay hydrated. Hear more from Kittle in this video tip.

Quick Cool-Down
In addition to drinking fluids to stay hydrated, applying cool, wet towels to the body can help bring your temperature down. A quick cool-down method that professional hurdler and sprinter Sydney McLaughlin relies on simply requires a wet towel and a cooler. Before a workout, wet a couple of towels and put them in a nearby cooler or freezer. When you feel hot, take a towel out and tie it around your head or neck. Learn more from McLaughlin with this video tip.

Do-It-Yourself Cooler
If you don’t have access to a cooler, make your own with a few household items: an empty cardboard box, bubble wrap, aluminum foil and scissors. Cut bubble wrap into pieces that match the sizes of each side of the box and wrap each piece of bubble wrap in foil. Line the box with the foil-wrapped bubble wrap pieces, fill with ice and keep your Gatorade and other fluids cool. Watch professional beach volleyball player April Ross demonstrate how to create this DIY cooler in this video tip.

Head Start on Hydration
When it’s hot outside, it’s important to begin hydrating even before athletic activity begins. On a day you’re planning to train, David Cutcliffe, head football coach of the Duke University Blue Devils, recommends hydrating when you first wake up so you have enough fluids in your body once the workout begins. Then continue to hydrate throughout the day, during and after your workout, with a cold drink that helps replenish fluids and electrolytes lost in sweat. Plan for all-day hydration with this video tip.

Acclimate Early
It’s important to acclimate yourself to the hot weather when working out outside. Kansas City Chiefs head trainer Rick Burkholder suggests starting your training with a one-hour workout then adding 15 minutes each day to ease your way into the heat. Get more pro advice with this video tip.

Photo caption: Sydney McLaughlin, professional hurdler and sprinter, courtesy of Gatorade



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