Tag: beauty

Golden Rules

Beauty is not to be put down with the proviso being that the body is nourished and cared for. To many people, caring for the skin, hair, and nails comes naturally, but if you haven\'t set up a simple l

Fake Don't Bake

We\'re all aware that baking in the sun can cause cancer and premature aging of skin. Tanning beds are no better. The safe answer for your lily-whites is to use a self-tanner. Sunless tanning products
BeautyThere are healthy strategies that keep you feeling good, and the natural outcome of feeling good is looking good-no matter what your age. Eating well, exercising, and taking the right supplement

Emu Oil

While it often seems that a beauty miracle is invented daily, it\'s refreshing when a new discovery turns out to be as old as the hills. When it comes to health and beauty aids, you\'d be hard-pressed t
Dating back hundreds of thousands of years, Canadian glacial clay-found in specific regions in Canada-is gaining increasing recognition as an effective antiaging and wellness ingredient. Upon analysis
In their search for quick fixes to defy the signs of aging, many people turn to facial injections. The injected substances can include anything from a protein produced by the same bacteria that causes

Healthy Hair

Hair is essentially protein, so be sure that you\'re getting an adequate supply. Look to legumes like beans, peas, lentils, and fermented soybean products for nutrient-rich vegetarian protein sources,
Men have come a long way since the days of shaving with a cutthroat razor and bar soap. Today when the average male selects his personal care products, he knows what he is expecting from them. Here is
Today, shifting values have forced younger generations of men to re-evaluate their masculinity and find a new respect for a well-groomed and chiselled physique. Sound diet and exercise are the foundat
I have always struggled with skin breakouts, and no matter which expensive cleansers and medications I have used, the acne always came back. Like many people I expected to be plagued my whole life wit