Tag: COVID19

Emotionally Preparing Your Children for Back-to-School SeasonBetween sheltering-in-place, online learning and time away from friends, many children will need a little extra support as they head back t
Prepping for Disaster Amid COVID-19With this natural disaster season almost sure to be unlike any Americans have faced before amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it\'s all the more important to take small step
5 Ways to Ensure Medication Safety During COVID-19During the COVID-19 pandemic, staying healthy is top of mind. For individuals at risk for or diagnosed with COVID-19, the addition of new treatments m
Create a Healthier Home this Back-to-School SeasonDue to the COVID-19 pandemic, people are spending more time at home. That increased time indoors also comes with increased risks for fires, carbon mon
Self-Care Strategies to Help Stay HealthyWith the COVID-19 pandemic added to the typical cold and flu season, many Americans are wondering what they can do to protect themselves and others this holida
5 Ways to Help Prevent the Spread of IllnessKeep your family safe and slow the spread of germsThis year, as cold and flu season converges with the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to take precautions
Overcoming the MaskTips for communicating through COVID-19It can be challenging to communicate through masks, 6-feet of social distance, physical barriers and other factors due to COVID-19 that have c
Proactive Health Tips to Help Navigate Year 2 of the PandemicAfter months of unfamiliar restrictions and guidelines, pandemic fatigue is affecting how some Americans protect their health. However, exp
Take Advantage of Telemedicine for Better HealthIf there is a silver lining to the challenges the past year created for families, it may be the growth, availability and affordability of virtual care f
Seeing Your Doctor During the PandemicIf you’ve been putting off a visit to your doctor during COVID-19, you’re not alone. Most adults (57%) agree the pandemic has changed how they feel about going to