Tag: COVID19

Engage Virtually: Tips for keeping older adults connectedTips for keeping older adults connectedConnection and a sense of community can be critical to well-being as people continue to distance and iso
Building an Emergency Kit with Disability in MindCreating a supply kit is part of being prepared for emergencies and disasters. Kits should include basic survival items but also things specific to you
How to Combat Social IsolationEven before COVID-19 limited social contact with friends, family and colleagues, many adults experienced loneliness and depression due to limited contact with others. Now
Tap into Employer Benefit Resources in Times of UncertaintyFor many American workers, how they do their jobs dramatically changed with the spread of COVID-19. Some have shifted to working from home wh
Financial Tips to Help Prepare for the UnexpectedOver the past year, most people have noticed how truly unpredictable life can be. While it’s impossible to predict what the next few months have in sto