Tag: family

Think outside of the gift box this Christmas. Donate to one of the many worthwhile charities, such as the Salvation Army, for good-conscience giving.The next time you hear bells jingling and see a Sal

Giving Green

Giving can be just as fun as receiving. Here are some green and eco-friendly gift ideas that will have your family and friends rocking around the Christmas tree.Holiday giving can be just as much fun

Vitamin Angels

In 2007 Vitamin Angels launched Operation 20/20, a program aimed at eradicating vitamin A-deficiency blindness in children by 2020.The Health First Network, a group of Canada’s leading independent hea
The sandwich generation finds themselves caught between caring for their own children and caring for their parents.When Naz Deravian became a mom for the first time, she found herself embracing her ne
Long-term care in Canada is experiencing a shift to a resident-centred model. The Eden Alternative seeks to create a supportive atmosphere that feels like home.The lobby at the New Vista Care Home in
The brain is the body\'s hungriest organ. Ensure your children get the nutrients they need by fuelling their bodies with brain food.As a teenager, I was overweight and slow. I had allergies and did poo
We all want healthy lunches for our children. But in a busy world, achieving this is difficult. So, here are some simple, healthy lunch solutions for our kids.We all want healthy meals for our childre
Silken Laumann connected the obesity crisis in kids with the lack of children playing outdoors. She created her Active Kids Movement to get kids playing again.Where have all the children gone? That’s

A Nutrient Top-Up for Kids

What is the best supplement for kids? Vitamin D enhances absorption of calcium, reduces bone breakdown, and prevents rickets.Most children, given a choice about what we put on their plates, wouldn’t c

Time to Play

Free play teaches kids to work in groups and be creative, skills of utmost importance to kids\' development. Overscheduling kids increases their stress levels.On a rare morning when she had time for a