Tag: food

Contrasting culinary flavours from around the world are particularly hot these days. Although we’ve been exploring the many diverse and intriguing global flavours since at least the ’70s, with these c

Energizing Eats

When we’re in the grips of winter and the short, dark days are upon us, we can sometimes start feeling a bit down and withdrawn. For some, this can trigger a type of seasonal depression called seasona

Chocolate for breakfast!

When it comes to chocolate, this is the most indulgent time of year. For the month of love, you really can’t go wrong with indulging in the dark delight. And let’s be honest: we’ve all woken up with c
It’s a new year, and rather than dread facing it with a checklist of changes and resolutions, there are a couple of things you can do without a lot of stress-driven determination. This month, our focu
If you’re anything like us, you’re a little obsessed with all things Andrea Hannemann (@EarthyAndy on Instagram), from her pics of splashing in the surf with her kids to her videos of nailing squat ch
People have been identifying themselves as vegetarians and vegans for years. Then came flexitarians and omnivores. Now, it’s all about “plantivores,” or people following a plant-based diet, usually fo
Rather than facing the new year with a long list of resolutions, why not make a simple shift with a major immune health payoff? Eat more plant foods. That’s it. Eating more whole plant foods is a grea

Be a Mix Master

Even if you\'re only gathering with your own household, no party is complete without a drink in hand that complements the food on offer. While it’s easy to open a bottle of wine, not everyone may want

Lost Feast

As COVID-19 continues to disrupt our lives, many of us are turning to home cooking for health and entertainment. I’m working on my thin-crust pizza, and many of my friends are calling me at odd hours
Exploring Indigenous cuisine in CanadaIt’s impossible to tell this story without first acknowledging the state of the country—and the world for that matter. At the time of writing this, there are more