Tag: health

Most kids have their share of likes and dislikes when it comes to food. (Anyone who’s had a standoff with a four-year-old over a random vegetable can vouch for this.) But sometimes those “eww I’m not
CBD is cropping up in everything from capsules and gummies to lotions and even bath bombs. With so many delivery systems on the market, it can be tough to figure out which type of CBD product might be
You’ve heard of macronutrients and micronutrients. They’re both vital for optimal nutrition. Now, there’s a newly defined category that could be just as important for well-being, one that sits right i
Is a fear or failing getting you down? Is the pursuit of “perfect” punishing? To understand the pitfalls of perfectionism, the impacts of fearing failure, and the gifts of focusing on the journey rath
Recovery from an eating disorder can be many things: scary, stressful, empowering. For the Ferguson family, this tumultuous time was also a catalyst, instigating a ripple effect of health and healing.


The entries are in, and they\'re looking good. Now it’s up to you! In case you can\'t tell, we\'re pretty excited about all the fantastic products that have been entered in the 2020 alive Awards. But we
We all remember those awkward, angst-filled teenage years. Many of us also remember something else: what the commercials call acne or blemishes, but what our friends called zits, pimples, and pizza nu
1. CalciumNot only is calcium important for helping build strong bones as a child grows through to young adulthood, but it’s also essential for muscle contraction, nerve signalling, and hormone releas
Every parent has at some point wondered whether their child lacks focus, perhaps overlooking the fact that today’s children are growing up in a busy world, full of stimuli that their developing brains
Parents, these days, are often inundated to the point of confusion and paralysis when it comes to figuring out what to feed their kids. In this article, inspired by the latest version of Canada’s Food