Tag: health

Aging brings about all sorts of physical changes, some of which can affect the ability to have or enjoy sex. For men, while age might affect sexuality, there are ways to support sexual health and func
Over the years, soy’s reputation, like the wind, has changed directions. With an abundance of conflicting views on its benefits versus risks, it’s no wonder menopausal women seeking natural alternativ
Can you have as much wine with dinner as your male partner—but without any extra adverse consequences? Short answer: no. Many studies have concluded that male and female bodies are differently affecte
The postpartum stage, or the “fourth trimester,” is a time of development for your newborn, and for you too. This stage can last for up to six months after giving birth. You may notice changes in your
Your body is a lot like a symphony—or the chorus of a Mumford & Sons song. It likes to be in harmony. This inner harmony is called “homeostasis,” and the master conductor that keeps everything balance
Beach, please! Our Eco issue delivers a serious dose of vitamin sea (plus some truths about the environment that we just can\'t ignore).Can one person really make a dent in fixing a problem as major as
Follow a naturopathic doctor at the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre, as she takes you through her approach to patient care and research. Learn about naturopathic oncology through the eyes of a clinic
Instead of trying to stifle the sniffling and sneezing with cough syrup, get proactive. Here’s what to do, foods to eat, and ideas to try to power up your immune system in every stage of life. Goodbye
At the end of a long, contemplative winter, you might be itching to clean out the garage or organize your shed—standard spring cleaning activities. On the other hand, you may have spent the past few m
Do you cringe when you hear the word “cleanse,” imagining days of guzzling green juice and staring longingly at your coworker’s takeout sushi? Cleansing doesn’t have to leave you feeling hangry and ti