Tag: health

When you’re in your twenties and thirties, memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease may seem like distant concerns. But taking care of your brain isn’t something you should put off. Certainly, the vast maj
“Gardening is not a rational act.”—Margaret Atwood This land is strewn with the innards and skins of those who did not survive. I would weep, but for the fact of knowing that many more endured and lie
The term “pre-existing conditions” was arguably one of the most ominous buzz phrases of 2020. Chronic health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease—previously considered to be primarily
As we mark a year of living with the tension and hypervigilance imposed upon us by the deadly pathogen called SARS-CoV-2, it may be the perfect time to detoxify, both mentally and physically. The term
I have a chip problem. I try (sometimes weekly) to enter into a reasonable, long-term relationship with a family-sized bag of All-Dressed Ruffles. Yet, I find that after 20 minutes or so, it has alrea
Overstaying its welcomeAs we’re about to flip the calendar on a year since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the good news is that even among the most at-risk populations, the vast majority recover

Healthy Together

Come February, many of us rush to buy things to prove our affection to our partners. But what if, instead, you gift each other better health and a long-lasting togetherness? One becomes twoWhen we say
Most of us will never need to eat that much. But endurance sports, whether you’re running a marathon or a 5K, do require a different approach to nutrition, starting with doubling your carbohydrate int

Supplemental Support

When you need some backup, you can turn to several supplements that have demonstrated antiviral properties. Maintaining a healthy immune system with a little support may help keep the bugs at bay. And

Eat, Stay, Love

Come February, many of us rush to buy chocolates and make dinner reservations to show our affection for our partners or spouses. But what if you gift each other something better this year? Rather than