Tag: wellness

We all remember those awkward, angst-filled teenage years. Many of us also remember something else: what the commercials call acne or blemishes, but what our friends called zits, pimples, and pizza nu
1. CalciumNot only is calcium important for helping build strong bones as a child grows through to young adulthood, but it’s also essential for muscle contraction, nerve signalling, and hormone releas
Every parent has at some point wondered whether their child lacks focus, perhaps overlooking the fact that today’s children are growing up in a busy world, full of stimuli that their developing brains
Parents, these days, are often inundated to the point of confusion and paralysis when it comes to figuring out what to feed their kids. In this article, inspired by the latest version of Canada’s Food
We all adhere to the motto “the fresher, the better” when it comes to the fruits, vegetables, or cooking herbs we choose at our local grocery or natural health food shop. They smell better, and they t
In our wired, 24-7 world where people are facing more demands than ever, getting a good night’s rest is typically the one thing that gets cut. We soldier on, complaining about how tired we are between

Transform in minutes

Over a century ago, two British physicians prescribed fermented foods with friendly bacteria for mood support. The practice didn’t catch on. But modern research suggests they were onto something: the
Have you been wondering about MCT oil—what it is, why you should know more about it, and how to use it? What is MCT oil?Found in natural health stores, MCT oil is a product of coconut oil. MCT stands

Future Thinking

Over a century ago, two British physicians prescribed fermented foods with friendly bacteria for mood support. The practice didn’t catch on. But modern research suggests they were onto something: the
Green tea: EGCG Drinking green tea can go to your head. Building on research into green tea’s impact on the brain, including a study showing that drinking green tea enhanced the memory and attention o