Tag: wellness

Choosing Chaga

A strange-looking black beauty that grows naturally on the sides of yellow and white birch trees, the chaga mushroom is a natural phenomenon. Chaga possesses some powerful active constituents with pot
When it comes to men’s aging, an enlarged prostate (otherwise known as benign prostatic hyperplasia) can cause some annoying lifestyle problems. One of those—sexual dysfunction—can really throw a wren
Are your dreams hazy and hard to recall? Or funny and unforgettable? Ever tried to make sense of a bizarre dream? Read on to learn about the inner workings of dreams and their connection to well-being
Stress can dominate our thoughts, keep us awake at night, and distract us from what we love. Although hard to avoid, persistent stress can contribute to mental and physical illnesses ranging from anxi

Making it Work

Take a quick check: are your shoulders creeping up around your ears? Are your teeth grinding? And is that nagging headache nagging you again? More than a quarter of Canadian workers report being highl
Are you drowning in oceans of to-do lists, frustrating interruptions, and low energy? Look no further. Research shows that creative activities—like spiralling inward, digging a little dirt, and cuttin
Sarah Wilson, writer and media personality, writes in her new book First, We Make the Beast Beautiful: A New Journey Through Anxiety about how her own life-long anxiety has brought both challenges as
Wistful thoughts of warm summer sunshine and long days of outdoor fun often crowd our minds during the darker days of winter. But that feeling of longing isn’t unusual, or necessarily concerning. What

Blue Light Blues

E-readers, your cellphone, and LED streetlights: just a few examples of convenient blue light-emitting devices. But these rays have drawbacks. Find out about the health hazards of blue light and what