Today, shifting values have forced younger generations of men to re-evaluate their masculinity and find a new respect for a well-groomed and chiselled physique. Sound diet and exercise are the foundat

Are You a Plantivore?

People have been identifying themselves as vegetarians and vegans for years. Then came flexitarians and omnivores. Now, it’s all about “plantivores,” or people following a plant-based diet, usually fo

Healthy Holiday Makeup

The holiday season offers a great excuse to play with fun and dramatic makeup looks. Learn how to achieve them using natural products. There’s something about the holiday season that makes everything

Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is PowerUnderstanding the rights of nursing home residentsAn estimated 1.4 million older adults and people with disabilities live in nursing homes, according to the Centers for Disease Contr

Beauty Tips for Cancer Survivors

Looking good gives a mental boost to cancer survivors. Our skin care, nail care, and beauty tips will help you look great and put a smile back on your face.After cancer treatment, reclaiming your beau

Grow Your Sustainable and Organic Gardening Knowledge

What are the factors that contribute to a sustainable garden? If you’re avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, that’s a great start. But gardening sustainably goes far beyond this by

Blazing an organic trail

Travis Heide isn’t afraid to take risks. In the early 2000s, Heide took his newly minted business degree from the University of Saskatchewan to Calgary to work in commodity trading before starting his

Boosting Immunity Is Easy

Rather than facing the new year with a long list of resolutions, why not make a simple shift with a major immune health payoff? Eat more plant foods. That’s it. Eating more whole plant foods is a grea

Diet for Clear & Glowing Skin

Lifestyle factors play a major role in maintaining healthy skin. Diet, including food and drink, provides nutrients for the optimal functioning of your skin.In recent years it has become clear that li

Eating at Home Prevents Childhood Obesity: New Study

According to a new study, there is a \"direct relationship between the nutritional status of children and the person who prepares their meal.\"A new study by researchers at the University of Granada con

3 easy ways to help your child be more mindful

Being in the moment. Staying present. Most of us know mindfulness is about fully experiencing, without judgment, whatever is happening right now. But we may not know how much this practice can help ou
Meinvlive shares favorite wellness, food, lifestyle, and travel, decor, and DIY ideas. So, if you’re looking to try new food and drink recipes or you want to redecorate your home, this blog will certainly inspire you.

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Pretty Party Feet

Pretty up your feet with a pedicure before the big party. Don\'t have time to hit the salon? Give yourself a relaxing do-it-yourself pedicure at home.Warm woollies help keep our toes warm–and hidden–in

3 Remedies for the Burnt Out Activist

The good fight isn’t always easy. While spreading the good word and fighting for what’s right is invigorating, it can also start to take a physical and mental toll. Read up on how to keep your activis

Beat Those Beauty Bag Bugs

Most of us are unaware that our beauty bags are hubs for bacteria, yeast, and fungi. A recent study found 79 to 90 percent of cosmetics were contaminated with potential harmful bacteria and fungi. Bea

Kids' Digestive Complaints

Does your little one have an upset stomach? Natural remedies can help ease kids\' digestive problems.When we think of digestive concerns, we typically imagine adults; however, tummy troubles can also o

4 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

If holiday stress is a regular part of your Christmas, learn how to dial it down with some simple strategies. Less really can be more.It’s upon us! The season of too much to do and too little time. We